Lexia Core 5 Correlation to the ANC

We have created a detailed document that shows how Lexia Reading Core 5 relates the current Australian National Curriculum. It gives you the curriculum outcomes that are being taught in each level and shows where they appear in the Lexia Core 5 program.

It is important to note is Australia, we use the UK version of Lexia Core 5.

Below are a few examples of the correlation:

In the screenshot above you can see that in Level 2 of Lexia Core 5 we are looking at 5 different components of reading. You can also see the curriculum link and the content descriptor.
In the screenshot above you can see that we have colour-coded the year levels. This will give you a quick visual of any crossovers within the Lexia levels and year levels.
Colour-code key
Red= Kindergarten
Yellow= Pre-Primary
Orange= Year 1
Pink= Year 2
Green= Year 3
Blue= Year 4
Purple= Year 5

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What an amazing amount of work- such a valuable resource
~ Jayne Bolton (Penrhos College) ~