Do you know what level your child has reached in Lexia Core 5? Are they at level yet?

The Lexia Core 5 program is a valuable tool for boosting your child’s English skills in addition to the work they do here at Smart Achievers. It is relevant for all children in primary school. We encourage students to spend the recommended amount of time (set by the program itself) each week working online at home in order to fast-track their learning and get them to level. Lexia Core 5 tracks their progress and tells us whether they are at, below or above the expected level.

For example, if they have reached Level 10 in Lexia Core 5, it correlates to the equivalent of early Year 2 at school. The list below shows all the Lexia Core 5 levels and how they correlate to the WA school years. Check what level they’re at when they are working on Lexia Core 5 next at home and refer to this table. If you have any questions regarding how the program works and how your child is tracking, feel free to get in touch!

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