Reading Efficiency, The Hidden Hurdle (Part 2)

Reading Efficiency, The Hidden Hurdle (Part 2) (Catch up on Part 1 here) Perceptual Span & Word Recognition A perceptual span is the number of letters a student can perceive and process during a single eye stop (fixation). The perceptual span of beginning readers and of most people who struggle with reading is smaller than the span of efficient readers.  Efficient readers are able to…

Reading Efficiency, The Hidden Hurdle (Part 1)

Reading Efficiency, The Hidden Hurdle (Part 1) What Is It? Reading efficiency is a critical component of reading proficiency. An efficient reading process is fluent and feels easy and comfortable. Efficient readers can read for extended periods of time with good comprehension because they expend little energy on the mechanics of reading. Mental resources are focused on making meaning from text. Why is it important?…